I am not satisfied with the service provided - buying a ticket online from a company which is not registered with Pobeda. I bought the ticket for my mother 66 years old rom Samara to Milan. She had a problem in Samara Airport as Pobeda official said that ticket WAS NOT in their system and she could not take the flight. And said to contact the company we bought the ticket from (your company). The number of flight on the ticket i bought from you was different from the one announcing in the airport. Also we paid for luggage in the airport (that is fine but when i was buying ticket i did not notice this information otherwise i would pay it online or get some roubles). Pobeda official contacted call center and let my mom go to the flight and underlined that she is lucky to take the flight. I paid the ticket she did not fly free of charge did not she? So what it has to do with a luck? If your company can not but the tickets from Pobeda why do you sell them? Respectfully Elmira